Brittney: (403) 763-0703
Paula: (403) 760-0017
#119, 545 Banff Avenue, PO Box 3385
Banff, AB T1L 1C9
YES! Anyone may purchase a property in Banff, but Parks Canada has regulated who may occupy and reside within the property.
All land in Banff is “leased land”. This is how Parks Canada can enforce the “Need-to-Reside” provision. The typical term of residential leases are 42 years long.
The short answer is No (for residential properties). However, you can put your Banff Home on Airbnb (or similar) if you have a BnB licence, hotel, or other qualifying commercial business.
You must meet the ELIGIBLE RESIDENT requirements to occupy the property, however you can rent it out to a person who does qualify.
Please refer to our Banff page, under the locations tab, for more information and the Town of Banff website.
Banff National Park is a hidden gem and has a very stable economy. Banff prices tend to remain very stable and do not fluctuate like the city or surrounding areas, this makes Banff an excellent investment. Our economy is based off “Supply and Demand”, and because Banff’s boundaries have been set and fixed by federal law the demand remains high and constant
Based on our professional experience, the best time to sell a property is Spring or Fall.
Based on our professional experience, the best time to buy a property can fall under a couple of options: Winter- Prices tend to be a bit softer, however, Spring tends to have the most properties listed on the market, which increases your purchase options.
We stay in close touch with their clients, which helps keep potential buyers/sells informed on the market trends. You can also subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of this page to hear about market trends, off-market listings and much more.
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Of course! We are committed to assisting you in finding a dream home even if it’s outside the Bow Valley. We work with many amazing Realtors all around Alberta, British Columbia , and Saskatchewan, and we would be happy to refer you to another professional Realtor in that area.
Yes! We can help you find the perfect commercial property/land for your business!
Your award-winning Bow Valley Real estate experts
Paula: 4037600017
Brittney: 4037630703
Head Office
119-545 Banff Ave
Banff, AB, T1X 1A1